[General Rules]
1. Saving Young Saints is a charity event where we will donate 100% of the nett proceeds (at least 70% of total proceeds, specific figures will be presented in-game from server time Jan 20 5:00 to Jan 21 23:59) from in-game package sales to Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) to support children and families affected by cancer.
2. Players can donate by purchasing packs. Each pack can only be purchased once for each phase.
3. The event will tally total donations in real-time, and players will earn additional rewards when the grand total from all the servers reach the designated amount.
4. Total donations from European and American servers will be tallied separately during the event, before being combined at the end.
5. The charity event has two phases: Phase 1 runs from December 23, 05:00 to January 6, 05:00; Phase 2 runs from January 6, 05:00 to January 20, 05:00.
6. The allocation of the donations will be up to the charity organization. Players will be able to see how the funds were allocated in the charity's future annual report.
[Package Detail]
Phase I: Athena‘s Exclusive Skin + ”Saving Young Saints“ Themed Frame + Unique Donation Title + 12 Astral Gems
Price: $19.99
Phase II: Saint-Young Shiryu + ”Saving Young Saints“ Themed Frame + Unique Donation Title + Skill Volume 8 choose 1 Box
Price: $9.99
Event starts: 12.23 5:00
Phase I: 12.23 5:00 - 01.06 5:00
Phase II: 01.06 5:00 - 01.20 5:00
Publicity: 01.20 5:00 -01.21 24:00
Event ends: 01.21 24:00
[Important Notice]
1.100% of the nett proceeds (at least 70% of total proceeds, specific figures will be presented in-game from server time Jan 20 5:00 to Jan 21 23:59) from in-game package sales will be donated to the CCF.
2. The costume (Athena - Beach Silhouette) and Young Shiryu will also be available later in Astral Gem Emporium. Players can redeem these items with following exchange rate
Athena - Beach Silhouette = 40 Astral Gems
Young Shiryu = 10 Astral Gems
3. The themed frame and title will not be available in a later event.
4. The players who receive the redundant themed frame and title will be automatically exchanged to 50 diamonds. (theme frame = 50 diamonds, title = 50 diamonds)
5. We are currently working on establish cooperation with a charity located in Singapore which is committed to help children with cancer, the name of charity requires to be anonymous before the cooperation has established. “The Organization” will be used to represent this charity
(The donations from this event will devote to help children with cancer despite the result of above cooperation.)
6. The donations might be used in the following projects once we have settled our cooperation, we will use:
1) Financial Assistance
The Organization provides financial assistance (FA) to families who are assessed to be in financial difficulties. FA may be disbursed under the medical and non-medical schemes. Non-medical FA includes psychological testing, transportation fee and emergency ambulance hiring.
2) Psychosocial Support
Psychosocial support is multi-faceted and unique to each family, depending on their needs. It is based on the child’s diagnosis and developmental needs as well as the ability of the child to cope through the journey. Through the Organization’s integrated hospital-community-home service model, the Organization caseworker helps the child and his/her family cope more effectively with the challenges that arise from each stage of their journey.
The programmes providing psychosocial support includes Therapeutic Play Services, Child Life Services and Hospital Play Services.
3) Family Support
It is vital for the Organization to assess the strengths and needs of a child and their family. the Organization aims to enhance the well-being and coping ability of parents who often experience self-blame and may be at a lost towards their caregiving duties.
Sibling(s) may also manifest a myriad of emotional and behavioural responses to the advent of the illness. As the attention is largely directed towards the sick child, sibling(s) often feel lonely and neglected by the family.
4) Palliative and Bereavement Services
The Organization Palliative and Bereavement Services aim to improve the quality of life of the child and their families. The services rendered helps family members to cope with caring for children with poor prognosis or at the end stage of life.
Some of the programmes include Wishlink Programme, the Organization Legacy Building Programme and ADORE: A Day of Remembrance.
5) Education
Returning to school is an important step for a child to re-establish normalcy for children and youth cancer survivors. Children with cancer experience disruptions to their education due to medical treatments, side-effects and hospitalisation. The Organization works directly with the child to address any anxiety or issues that they may face after returning to school.
6) Supporting various research programmes
The Organization places great importance on creating an environment that is able to support the medical treatment of children with cancer. In order to do so, we continue to collaborate with our strategic partners by providing funding for various programmes.
7. All the donations in this event will be arranged by the Organization, the exact usage of all donations will be released in their annual report 2021.
8. We will release the cooperating announcement as soon as possible.